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import { Upload } from '@dnb/eufemia'


The Upload component should be used in scenarios where the user has to upload any kind of files.

How to use the Upload component

  • Files selected by the user should be uploaded immediately (temporary location).
  • The user should be able to remove them (files) during the session.
  • The Upload component connects to the GlobalStatus and displays file error messages there as well.
  • Validation messages coming from the "backend" should be displayed for each file via the useUpload hook. See example below.
  • The useUpload hook can be placed on any location in your application, and does not need to be where the Upload component is used.
function YourComponent() {
const { files, setFiles } = Upload.useUpload('unique-id')
React.useEffect(() => {
setFiles( => {
if ( === fileNameFromBackend) {
fileItem.errorMessage = 'Your message from the backend'
return fileItem
}, [fileNameFromBackend])
return <Upload id="unique-id" />


When jpg is defined (most commonly used), then the component will also accept jpeg files.

Backend integration

The "backend" receiving the files is decoupled and can be any existing or new system.

Limit the amount of files

By default, the Upload component accepts multiple files. You can use the property filesAmountLimit={1} to make the component accept only one file.

Page wide drop support

Once the Upload component mounts, it also adds support for dropping files to the entire browser body.

NB: When you have several mounted components, only the first Upload component will receive the dropped files.